Elliott Bonner has experience as a player, coach, and businessman. His athletic career began as a running back at East Side High School in Paterson, NJ. Coach Bonner moved on to Rutgers University and then wound up playing three seasons for the San Diego Chargers. He coached in the Coral Springs Charger Football program for 24 years. He was an assistant football and baseball coach at Taravella High School from 1992-1996 and has been an assistant football and baseball coach at Douglas since 1997. Coach Bonner’s philosophy is simple: work, prepare, and play hard. But he keeps in mind that this is high school football – not college or the Pros. He understands that a spot on the roster does not take the place of a diploma or good test scores. Those who have known him for any length of time all agree that he is a straight talker and gets right to the point.